Hello there! I am a linguist interested in meanings and melodies of languages. Much of my recent work probes context-sensitive semantic and pragmatic phenomena using experimental methods, and examines their potential connections with complex interactional and social meanings. [My CV]
Brief Bio
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University
2023 - present
Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University
2019 - 2023
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Program in Linguistics,
Princeton University
2018 - 2019
Ph.D. in Linguistics, Stanford University
2013 - 2018
MA in Linguistics, Seoul National University
2011 - 2013
BA in Linguistics, Seoul National University
2006 - 2011
Links to papers, bibtex info, and associated data/codes when applicable.
- Jeong, Sunwoo and Roelofsen, Floris. 2023. Focused NPIs in statements and questions. Journal of Semantics. [Paper] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2022. An analysis of Emily Dickinson's poems from the perspective of metrical phonology. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology. [Paper] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo and Yu, Seong-hyun. 2021. Identity construction through gendered terms of addresses in Korean. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2021). [Paper] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2021. Deriving politeness from an extended Lewisian model: The case of rising declaratives. Journal of Pragmatics. [Paper] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2021. Deriving dual dimensions of bias: Preposed negation questions with EVEN. Journal of Semantics. [Paper] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2020. Prosodically-conditioned Factive Inferences in Korean: An Experimental Study. Semantics and Linguistic Theory 30 (SALT 30). [Paper] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2020. The effect of prosody on veridicality inferences in Korean. In Maki Sakamoto, Naoaki Okazaki, Koji Mineshima, and Ken Satoh (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI 2019 Workshops, LENLS, Revised Selected Papers. [Paper] [Preprint] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2019. Preposed negation questions with strong NPIs. In Maggie Baird and Jonathan Pesetsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 49). pp. 131-144. [Preprint] [Bibtex]
- Condoravdi, Cleo, Jarvis, Rebecca, and Jeong, Sunwoo. 2019. Endorsement of inconsistent imperatives. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2019) [Paper] [Bibtex]
- Hilton, Katherine and Jeong, Sunwoo. 2019. The role of context in sociolinguistic perception. Linguistic Vanguard 5: s1. [Paper] [Preprint] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2018. Intonation and sentence type conventions: Two types of rising declaratives. Journal of Semantics 35(2): 305-356. [Paper] [Preprint] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2018. QUD effects on Epistemic Containment Principle: An experimental study. In Uli Sauerland and Stephanie Solt (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22 (SuB 22). pp.487-504. [Paper] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2018. Causatives and inchoatives in Korean: A Unified Account. Proceedings of The 25th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (JK 25). [Paper] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo and Cleo Condoravdi. 2018. Imperatives and intonation: The case of the down-stepped level terminal contour. Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 35 (WCCFL 35). [Paper] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo and Cleo Condoravdi. 2017. Imperatives with the calling contour. Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 43 (BLS 43). [Preprint] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2017b. Iconization of sociolinguistic variables: The case of archetypal female characters in classic Hollywood cinema. In Dimensions of Iconicity. (eds.) Angelika Zirker, Matthias Bauer, Olga Fischer, and Christina Ljungberg. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 263-286. [Preprint] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo and Christopher Potts. 2016. Intonational sentence-type conventions for perlocutionary effects: An experimental investigation. Semantics and Linguistic Theory 26 (SALT 26): 1-22. [Paper] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2016. Conventions in prosody for affective meanings: Non-canonical terminal contours in English polar interrogatives. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016: 907-911. [Paper] [Data] [Bibtex]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2012. Directional asymmetry in nasalization: A perceptual account. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology 18(3): 437-469. [Paper] [Bibtex]
Unpublished squibs and manuscripts.
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2015. The Effect of prosody and speaker voice information on the interpretation of hyperbole. Second Qualifying Paper, Stanford University. [Draft available upon request]
- Jeong, Sunwoo. 2014. A Metrical Analysis of Quatrains in Emily Dickinson's Poems. Manuscript, Stanford University. [Draft available upon request]
Selected/recent talks. Consult the paper section for talks superseded with papers or proceedings. See [CV] for a full list of talks. Links to presentation materials when applicable.
- Jeong, Sunwoo and Roelofsen, Floris. 2021. Focused NPIs and bias in questions. Biased Questions: Experimental Results & Theoretical Modeling. Workshop held at Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) February 4–5, 2021. [Handout] [Workshop repository]
At Seoul National University (instructor)
At Princeton University (instructor)
At Stanford University (TA)